Tuesday, November 22, 2016

That's where you are ..

The paper was still blank, tip of the pencil needle sharp, did I hit the writers block ?
Ironic though, in search of some inspiration I closed my eyes and ceased all my thoughts.

Travelling faster than speed of light, within an instant it seemed like I've crossed dimensions of space and time, where was I ?  
No darkness, no light, no earth, no skies, nothing, not even I.
In the vastness of nothing, what is it that I'm looking for ?

When with a sudden silent burst of bright light, nothing turned into infinite.
Witnessing this cosmic play of stars being born,
Gravity pulling everything within and tearing everything apart,
Cosmic inflation expanding universe as if it would never stop.

With infinite probabilities of multiverses being born,
With billions of galaxies to choose from, 
With countless number of stars,
I would always look for that bright blue dot, that's my home, that's where you are.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

No easy feat

This is no easy feat :)

Knowing myself, like no one else does,
     I know how difficult I can be,
         three years with me, hence, calls for a celebration indeed.
But knowing you, like no one else does,
               I know you would want nothing for yourself.

So, I thought and I thought ..
Every morning your smile brings me the warmth of sunshine,
looking in your eyes I fall for you every time,
all the small little sacrifices came rushing to my mind,
and I was humbled and lost ..

A promise of eternal togetherness is all I can give, for a fool that I am, it might take me forever to be a man you deserve for life.


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wedding vows

Wedding vows and promises made, in presence of holy fire, with witness as gods and goddesses,
we took our vows and traveled back in time, recollecting most of the mantras from morning prayer we used to recite.

Amidst all the people, amidst all the noise, she spoke to me through her eyes,
I could hear the silence, I could hear that sound,
I looked at my lovely bride, all elegant, all poise,
if every feeling could be expressed in words, vows would just be infinite.

Vedic chants were echoing loud, with panditji cracking a joke every then and now,
questioning me about the rituals being followed, how, but with a smile, I got all the answers through her eyes.  

As I look back, I know not, if I'm worthy enough,
I know not, if wealth lies in austerity,
I know not, if love transcends eternity,
For all I know, you're everything that I hoped for,
your kindness, your simplicity, your caring embrace,
With you, I fight, I smile, I pray,
seven is just a number, vows are just a cliche,
Blessed I'm to have you in my life, you are my strength, my charming bride.

Sunday, February 14, 2016


Wandering in the woods, I thought to myself, 
if only love is real shouldn't fairy tales be a part of  our lives ?

Basking in the sun, still, waiting for sunshine,
every morning longing for that caring embrace like an infant clutching his mother's fingers tight,
they see the world in her eyes, they feel the happiness in her smile,
the flowers and leaves whisper to me,        
not the water, not the sun, it’s your love that gives them life.

Magic that love is, it holds all the answers within,
love is in the warmth of sunshine,
love is in that innocent smile,
love is in the words of compassion,
love is everywhere, if only you wander.   

Friday, February 12, 2016

.. after all

Years ahead of her contemporaries, blessed with powers we mortals merely dream of,
After all, too low they build who build beneath the stars.

Struggling to find that elusive half an hour, when its time for morning walk, 
Whilst we barely break into sweat, at the speed of light she jogs,
After all, how on earth can you lose so much weight, you gotta slow down time and go for a cosmic walk.

Planning for that one vacation a midst all the work can be hard,
Having fun is serious matter, for that perfect picture postcard.
But whoever needs an itinerary, when you have teleportation powers.
After all, how on earth can you be in Delhi, Gurgaon, Dalhaousie and Jaipur at the zeroth hour. 

But nestled amongst these superhuman powers is your sincerity and compassion, qualities that makes world a better place, after all.

Happy Birthday Sis .. from Bhabs and Bhai

Entanglements are but magical..

Holding onto the same string we all start, vibrating in sync with the tune of cosmos, a beautiful dance of ecstacy, all naive with joyful he...