Saturday, November 22, 2014


Staring from a distance, mighty mountains seems so still,
caressing and cuddling with misty clouds, painting a picture of love on the canvas azure infinite.
Go a little closer to hear mother nature playing a symphony serene,
Like a concert playing forever, with sweet vocals provided by hustling sounds of wind.
In chorus are the lush green trees, swaying and singing with the wind,
admiring the performance are the gushing water falls with a thunderous applause.

Without clouds, without trees, without winds, lifeless piece of rock is all that lurks beneath.

On this beautiful day,
I don't have  any promises,
No shiny stones to share,
Like always,
I'll hold your hand and climb the highest mountain peaks,
for I can't imagine a life without you, it would not be complete.

Monday, September 29, 2014


God gives you signs, this day it were to be mine.

Like any other Sunday, I had my brunch on time.
Work had kept me awake previous night but a bright sunny afternoon filled me with life.

I had to meet someone in the evening. Like always, all the questions came rushing back to my mind.

How much can you know a person after meeting the very first time ?  
Will she be the one for me ? 
Do I need more time ?

Questions, certainly keeping me occupied, but I wasn't anxious, 
strange serenity in my heart, calm and confident, that answers I will find.

And after a couple of hours we were there. 
Sitting in a quaint little corner with her mom, waiting patiently for us, she wore a beautiful smile.

We sat opposite to each other and what followed was a pleasant surprise.
Talking like long lost friends, we shared a lot,
conversation was flowing, all else I forgot.
I heard her speak, saw the innocence in her eyes, the truth in her smile,
lost I was, in her sweet embrace and intellectual poise.  

Time flew away and we said our goodbyes.
On our way back we talked about her and everyone was happy to have met her,
but were all my questions answered,  or should I wait for some signs ?

I prayed to god and closed my eyes. There she was, my sunshine.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


I don't need your respect. I only speak the truth, all that follows, I humbly accept.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

for this week, that we won't be together ..

I may have all the answers, but still seek solace in probabilities, for they are infinite ....

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Just this once

Stars shining in the moonlit sky, since forever burning bright,
like a dust particle, Earth hangs in this cosmos infinite.
What are we here for, what is our quest for life.
Why do we ask questions when we are here for blink of an eye.
What lies beyond the stars, what prevailed before the time.
Just this once, god, give me sight !

To love, forgiving all the time.
To sacrifice, without expectations of any kind.
To pray, forgetting all the hurt inside.
Someone holds that place in your life.
Just this once, god, questions are my answers,
ignorance suffice.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

In a blink of an eye

I'm back. I'm married. I'm learning. I'm happy. 

A lot has happened in past five months. I've lived through several emotions. Loved them all. Also learnt a lot along the way. It all started on 29th September-2013 when I first met Preeti. 

I still remember that Sunday afternoon when we went to meet Preeti and her parents for the very first time. We were to meet around 6 in the evening. I was working very late the previous night so I was terribly sleepy while driving to the place. Yawns galore ! 

Mom was constantly telling me to stop being lazy and look alive. The prospects of getting bored during the conversation ahead was making me yawn even more but all's well that ends well. It was a lovely evening. 

We did meet a few more times after that during our courtship period. 

Just a FEW....

A few times at Akshardham, a few times at Metro walk, a few times during the weekends, a few times during festive celebrations like Dusshera, Diwali, Preeti's birthday, Christmas, New year, Valentine's day etc etc. 
Phew ;) 

28th Feb 2014, Sagan ceremony

I was confidently calm. 

Why wasn't I  nervous ? Why wasn't I anxious ? Why didn't I have cold feet ? Why was I feeling the way I did ?

I had the answers.. I knew her well.. She was my strength.

It was business as always. After taking bath and having morning breakfast I had to go with dad to Sagan and Cocktail Venue, check for the final preparations and make the payment. After that a ride to farmer's market to get fruit basket. Then to sweet shop for dry fruits and sweets. By the time we came back it was around 4 in afternoon. Sagan ceremony was to start at 7. 

I had no plans to go to Salon so I had ample time for my quick bath and a shave. I was ready on time and I was the first one to reach the venue from boy-side sharp at 7:20 pm with naniji. Dad reached a few minutes later. Preeti had also reached on time and was waiting in the brides room. We were both on time. 

I sat for a few minutes with naniji and then I looked around the hall to check if everything was in place. I requested for some changes in flower arrangement which was promptly attended to. After a while guests had started arriving. We had the tilak ceremony and it was time to bring the bride. 

Preeti was wearing a maroon saree. She looked beautiful and calm. The way she always does. 

And what followed was no surprise. The usual meet and greet with everyone, the photo session, the dance and the dinner. I was pleasantly surprised with the dance performances by Shruti, Hemita and the gang (Saurabh, Kritika, Shiwani, Deeksha, Vinny) and a very special performance by Prisha.

1st March 2014, Cocktail and Mehendi

This morning our home was filled with relatives. But business as always. A quick bath, breakfast and off to market for accessories with Shruti and Arti bhabhi. Then to the dry cleaner to collect the suits. Then to tent house with dad for booking tent for the sehra bandhi and to get some extra bedding for home. Then a visit to wedding venue with dad to finalize the assembling point of starting the baraat for the next day. By the time we reached back it was 5.  

I had no plans to go to Salon so I had ample time for my quick bath and a shave. I was ready on time and reached the venue sharp at 8:00 pm. What followed after that was no surprise.  The usual meet and greet, the mehendi, the photo session, the dance and the dinner. 

2nd March - 2014, Wedding day

Another beautiful morning. Another packed day. In first half of the day we had nav-graha puja and janehu ceremony. After that I was smeared in mehendi and then everyone went to temple for garhauli, dancing to the beat of the dhol. Meanwhile I waited at home and watched some news. 

I had no plans to go to Salon so I had ample time for my quick bath with gharauli water and a shave. All dressed up in my sherwani I was ready at 6:45 but it was another fifty minutes before Panditji called me for the sehra bandhi ceremony. I must have burnt a couple of hundred calories standing in the room. 

A quick visit to temple, the baraat and ribbon cutting  ceremony followed and next thing I know, I was on the grooms seat waiting for the bride. 

Like the sunshine at the break of dawn, like flowers covered with the morning mist, like echoes of music heard from distant temple bells, like an angel she came.  

She looked beautiful and calm. The way she always does.

I held her hand.. never to let go.

What followed after that was no surprise. The usual meet and greet, the photo session, the dance and the dinner.  After that we had all the wedding rituals, vidai from her home and a warm welcome into her new home. 

She is a part of our family. She always was and always will be.   

Monday, February 24, 2014

Gaurav weds Preeti

So very humbled by God's graciousness,
for bestowing upon us the gifts of love, respect and friendship.
Celebrating the union of two souls,
what lasts for a lifetime are blessings divine.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


I heard some sounds, but there wasn't anyone around,
Just the vast open skies and stars burning bright.

Maybe, they wanted to say something,
Maybe, to share the secret of their light.

If they just burn forever to give you light,
whoever says stars are only in the sky !

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Time flies, never stops for anyone,
mere puppets we are tied to strings of time.
I wish it could freeze, for every second with you is a joy.

Space, the definition of infinite,
so far beyond human understanding, so much to explore and find.
I feel I've reached the edge, for life is simple with loved ones by your side

If this isn't love maybe I should apologize,
ain't no language, ain't no words, that would suffice.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Through all these years ..

Through all these years, I know, I've hurt you, given you tears sometimes,
but I won't say sorry, no I won't apologize,
cos' when souls are one, remorse reflects in the eyes.

Through all these years, I know, you've always loved me selflessly,
cared for me like a mother, prayed for me like a guardian,
But I wont say thanks, no I won't be grateful,
cos' angel that you are, my gratitude won't suffice.

If only stars were brighter; could they match up to glow of innocence in your eyes,
If only universe was bigger; could it encompass the compassion you hold inside,
If only oceans were deeper; could it measure up to your sacrifice,
If only words could express the love; I know I wouldn't do justice, even if I try.

Happy Birthday my little sister !

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Thanks bro ..

Bro.. You've made my childhood memorable !
Remember all those ludo, snake and ladder sessions when we used to laugh our heart out .. seemingly over "seede chad gaya, utar gaya, chad gaya, utar gaya" .. made me realize that one doesn't need reasons to smile :)
And equally weird punishments for loosing a game. Remember stuffing yourself with chocolates, sweets, dry fruits, oranges and what not ! That too after a full three course dinner :)

Yaad hain ..those looooong video game sessions, our good old friends Mario and Contra.
Also, good old scoldings we used to get for wasting so much time and money ;)

Bro.. I so looked forward to play cricket with you, read comics with you, just talk to you and spend time with you ....

I know, childhood never returns back, but, the memories etched into my heart always keeps the child in me alive :)
Love you brother ! Always there for you ..

Wish you a very happy married life :)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

God is really kind.
Always taking care of my loved ones, showering blessings,
more than what are deservedly mine.

Another year gone by, would my gratitude suffice.
For last year brought a sweet addition to our family, someone we will cherish our entire life.

Entanglements are but magical..

Holding onto the same string we all start, vibrating in sync with the tune of cosmos, a beautiful dance of ecstacy, all naive with joyful he...