Saturday, October 1, 2011

In your eyes

Many a things heart wants to convey, 
Overwhelmed with emotions, yearning to share,
But when I look in your eyes, at loss of words I find myself yet again.

How can I put in words the mist covered mountains.
How can I pen down music echoed by drops of rain.
Happiness, I suppose, for no other feeling stirs my soul this way.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Confusions, chaos, life in disarray, reveals a look from the top,
Cacophony of sins, thumping on the heart,
Shadows of desires, chasing down till your last drop,
Bleeding of greed, lost all when eventually you part.

How humane are the humans, the only intelligent life in cosmos.
How is it evolution, when beast inside is devoid of pathos.
How can we claim of congnizance, nothing much has changed afterall.

Dreams, hopes, faith in lord, dwells in the conscience,
Labors for change
Prays with the heart,
Free like a bird, discerns reason of nascence.

Why do we live in dark, stars shines for one and all.
Why to loose faith, prayers are answered, whatever befalls.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Elevated high above the ground, clouds are in reach,
Summon your fervor, Conquer thou me.

Paths are ominous,
Winds boisterous,
Stones and boulders spread around,
Walking towards the peak, feet may get bound.

Valiantly you fight, expedition beseeches all your might,
Serenity at summit,
Wind glides,
Heart gets overwhelmed at the sight.

Bewilderment inside convenes, do mighty mountains speaketh to me.

Blues profuse the surface, perturbed waves in disarray,
See beyond the bay,
Come, sail unto me, Thou shall outstay.

Turbulence dissolves. Sins absolve. Life evolves.
Tranquility and peace,
Come, dive deep inside of me.

Bewilderment inside convenes, do opulent oceans speaketh to me.

Monday, August 1, 2011

I'm your wish

I'm your wish. You long for me !

Greens and rains always occurs in unison..
I'm illusion, when in seclusion.
Wishes can come true..

if only one labors for me.

I'm your wish. Set me free !

I want to fly high..
high above the foggy clouds, where stars never loose their sheen.
Wishes can come true..

if only we give them wings.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


The world outside is screaming, he hears all they have to say.
Water absorbs everything, surface remains the same,
Pride is his virtue with humility he explains.
The world outside is pushing, on the edge he remains,
Paths maybe treacherous, water paves its way,
Envy is his past kindness now prevails.. he has found for what he came.

She looks into the forest, monkeys screeching jumping fighting for fruits that fell,
Amused at the sight, generously she shares her inner wealth.
She ain't no slave, master of her soul,
Pious in the heart,
With no place for lust to dwell, she don't need no chastity belt.. she has found for what she came.

Blistering is the sun, sand dunes feeling the burn.
Oasis are always fed cos' deserts too receive the rain,
Reasons are easy to find, faith is hard to sustain,
They aren't conquered by reasons, reasons are not the same.. they have found for what they came.

- Gaurav Dhamija -

Thursday, July 28, 2011


She gave her all and loved you, like you may,
She promised to be there, always.
Unconditional was her love, but then, there may be days,
When the heart does sway.
Maybe, just maybe, it's not about give and take.

She parted for good, or so did she say,
Scarred from inside, for reasons were unexplained.
Shouldn't you be inconsolable, for it ended this way,
Shouldn't you be asphyxiated, your breath is taken away,
Are you so hollow; even voids need some space.
Maybe, just maybe, heart goes numb when soul parts away.

Wounds have healed, a new dawn breaks,
Hopeful is the heart, basks in sunny day.
Soul connects to god, serenity sustains.
Maybe, just maybe, life goes on come what may.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

.. and I write

Thunderstorm and lighting across the sky,
Pouring and striking, building up a tornado inside.
So is the life.. and I write.

Days are sunny and bright, afternoons are quiet,
Stillness pervades through the dark night.
So is the life.. and I write.

Spring has arrived, flowers blossoming with a smile, swaying in wind like a playful child,
Buds though, so calm and serene from inside.
So is the life.. and I write.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Morning Walk

Drops of rain resting on the leaves,
Motionless but speaks.

Flowers smiling in the morning breeze,
Playing with the wind but greets.

Birds singing the sounds of bliss,
Hidden high in the trees but not what the heart sees.

Is it magic or is it just me.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

And then there was flash and then there were none

What I like most about today's kids is that they aren't overwhelmed by the tech gadgets. Give them a mobile phone or laptop and they'll work their way to games menu. Give them an iPod and they'll be soon creating playlists. Give them a camcorder and they'll be shooting movies from angles you never imagined were possible. Give them a digicam and they'll be clicking away sweet memories.

Ohh.. I almost forgot. While the little child prodigies are at it, you may wanna keep an eye on them or you may learn the murphy's law
"Matter will be damaged in direct proportion to its value";
the HARD way.

One of these days my 5 year old nephew was playing with my digicam and next thing I see when I switch it on "Lens Error, restart camera". This message is to camera what blue screen of death is for Windows PC.
This was the first electronic gadget that I had bought with my own salary. Canon Ixus. 8 Mega Pixel. 4x Optical zoom. Image stabilization. Face detection. Might not sound like a big deal now but these were the USPs of digicams at the time I bought mine.

I searched on net and tried various possible incantations but all in vain. So I decided to take expert advice (or so they say). I showed it at Canon service center to get it checked for 200 bucks. The next day I get a call telling me that the complete lens assembly and the LCD  panel of camera needs to be changed which would cost a whopping 9,500 bucks. That's around 60% of the total cost for what I purchased it but it's actually more than what same configuration camera would cost me now.

When I asked the "technical expert" about the exact technical fault the answer was surprisingly not so technical. All I could get out of him was that they don't do patch fixes, they change the entire parts.
Its like giving someone a heart transplant and a brain transplant at the same time when all that poor soul might need is some medicines and change of weather.

I did some math and bought a new Sony digicam. I'm hoping that Canon might soon come out with some good exchange scheme to salvage some of the e-waste.
Canon.. are you listening ?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

5 MUST-HAVE things for delhi metro traveller

1) iPod - People today are very aware of the current happenings and have plethora of views on politics, sports, family problems, professional disagreements, future plans blah blah blah. They want to share their wisdom with the world. What better place than public transportation ?
Information galore, but sadly for an average brain like mine, the left cerebral hemisphere doesn't respond very well to all this wisdom. So unless you have hearing impairment or you don't have an opinion of your own which you have a strong urge to defend, iPod is a must.

2) Water bottle - Many a times you will find yourself stuck in between stations with a soft voice saying "There will be a delay in this service". The delay is a function of inefficiency of DMRC officials. Since the probability of this function having high value is close to 1 so its recommended that you carry a water bottle.

3) Books/Kindle - Books are man's best friend. Well, it pretty much serves the same purpose as Ipod keeping you occupied. But its not very often that you'll be fortunate enough to get a seat in peak office hours.
So next time you see a person sitting in metro with iPod in ears and reading a book, remember ... they are God's special people, for, they've been bestowed with power of relaxation.

4) Yoga/Balance skills - Sometimes it may happen that you'll have to stand in awkward positions with nothing to grab. You don't wanna be swaying like a drunkard and exchanging glares with other drunkards. To combat such precarious situations,  you may wanna practice exercises like one legged stands, on your toes and heel stands in your free time. Yoga will definitely help.

5) Mask - You may bump into someone whom you have known in the past (say your Ex) but haven't talked to in a long while for obvious reasons.  Believe you me, too many filler words and pointless chitchat over a long journey can leave you with sensory deprivation. A mask will come in handy ;)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Deja Vrrooomm

Friday, 24 June, around 8 pm, I'm returning back from office and driving through Moti Bagh, right most lane, not very fast when suddenly screeching sound of wheels against the road hit my ears and my brain send signals@speed of light to my feet. I press hard on my brakes. Too late though. Bang ! Crash ! Thud ! Silence.

A couple of seconds pass. Silence.

Electrical impulses from brain start again. Deja Vu. Just a month before, it happened to me. No one was at fault, then and now. All hit the brakes, then and now. All cars got bruised, then and now. My car lands up in garage, then and now. Insurance agent whining, then and now.
Looking at the positive side though, no one got hurt, then and now, except my car which is still recuperating in ICU of the bodyshop.

Not everything was same though. Then, I was just worried. Worried to get my car back in shape. Now I was feeling a cacophony of emotions. Anger, surprise, disbelief, anxiousness, to an extent guilt. But why?  I was driving carefully, sticking to my lane, not too fast, following the rules .... but still. I felt as though I had flunked the same exam twice even after studying hard. But why? Maybe I should have studied harder.

I had my answers. That night I thanked god and slept.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Having fun is a serious matter

He that's secure is not safe - Benjamin Franklin

LulzSec is a group of hackers who have been causing mayhem throughout the internet recently. Ask sony, Fox, FBI, CIA, SOCA and you'll know. LulzSec has an anthem, a logo and an official website where all the data hacked so far (or so we know) is available for download. They are also being referred to as gray hat hackers since they do not hack for personal gain but to disclose vulnerabilities.
They have come out in open and after every successful attack they claim responsibility and share their sarcastic comments. Its their way of having fun. The name says it all "Laughs @ security". LulzSec says that they do these things because they find it entertaining. Their idea of having fun might sound weird or downright un-acceptable to some but then they aren't the one's who vouch for internet security protocols being followed and refer to people making such protocols as clowns, victims as peons and themselves as lizards.

I won't be judgmental here endorsing or opposing what they do, how they do and why they do but what concerns me as an internet user is how trustworthy are the security claims made by the organizations asking for confidential information.

And I'm talking of some big names here !

Is our online data safe? Are all the internet security claims made phony? Do I even know if my personal data has already been compromised? Do you think every hacker announces everything they've hacked? LulzSec claims not to. What this effectively means is that its highly probable that your facebook, twitter or google mail account has already been hacked and some one is eavesdropping on your data waiting for the right moment to strike. Techies call it man-in-the-middle attack.

Needless to say, we need to exercise more caution. But how ? We already follow the instructions provided to us while registration/login/signup. What can we do if someone hacks the server itself. Are there any laws to sue the company with which I had an account that got hacked. May be there are. But you see the companies cleverly wash their hands off any such mishaps by inserting some clause in their "Terms of service and user agreement".
There is one such warranty disclaimer clause in Sony playstation end-user agreement as well which states that sony doesn't claim any responsibility for "unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers or any and all Personal Information that is not submitted using a secured transmission".

I'm positive that most of the gamers registered with the web-site must have simply pressed the accept button caring less to read this agreement. At the same time making such clauses a part of agreement simply implies that the companies themselves don't have faith in security measures being followed. End-users need to be more careful as well and make sure they read the agreement before accpeting them. But still I feel that some documents are ridiculously large with such important clauses embedded deep inside them in some twisted (sometimes cryptic) language.

I feel that companies need to be more responsible towards the end-users and there should be some standard body which should regulate and monitor the types of clauses being put into such agreements. This standardization body must come up with standard templatized agreements for gaming websites, bank account websites social networking websites etc having some inherent clauses which all the these websites should abide too. Further the agreements could be of varied security levels such as classI, class II, class III and so on. Class I being the most secure type of agreement whereby the organization adheres to all the inherent clauses being laid down by standrad body and class III being the least secure whereby organization declares that they don't adhere to any standrad clause and have their own conditions in the agreement as is done currently. Also when these software agreements open up in our browser all classes should follow some standard colour coding schems. For instance class I might have green color and class III might have red so that we immidiately know the level of confidence that we can have in that website.

This won't prevent such cyber attacks but surely will make end-users more aware of what they are getting into and make the organizations more liable.

Uncertainty is only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is only security - John Allen Paulos

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Trip down the memory lane

Today the very first Indian annual comic convention was held at Delhi Haat. Although I don't read comics anymore but I decided to make a trip to comic convention along with my sister to see what's new with the Indian comic scene. I used to read lots of comics as a child and each one of those comics is still sitting pretty inside packed boxes in my cupboard. I was hoping to meet my old buddies Chacha chaudhary, Sabu, Super Commando Dhruv, Bankelal and the mythical characters of Amar chitra Katha. When I reached there I noticed a lotta crowd, to my surprise, I may add. With the computer games and a band of cartoons on TV, I wasn't sure if many children would be there. So with my hopes soaring high we took tickets and marched ahead.

There wasn't a trace of comics until we reached the far end of the place. There were hardly some 8-10 comic stalls but disappointingly Raj comic was not there. I did notice a couple of new publishers on the scene such as Vimanika & Wilco who had some good titles on mythology, religion, ancient tales and political leaders. To make the event more appealing a costume contest was also organised but I didn't see any partipants. There weren't many comic enthusiasts or kids either. Most of the crowd looked more interested in handicraft/clothes and food rather than the comic convention itself. It didn't look that this event was publicised widely in schools or maybe children now a days are not that much into comics. I would have loved to see more school kids there, more publishers participating, and most importantly more of comics. I guess the target audience this time around were artists, illustrators, writers, publishers and not the readers. Whatever maybe the reason, the comic scene looked rather grave. Having said that, it was an admirable attempt to rejuvenate the Indian comic industry. I did buy a couple of titles for my neice and headed back.

On my return I happened to hit the Teen murti marg where Nehru Planetarium is located. As I drove past it, nostalgia set in. This is one place where I used to come with my father a lot during my school days. This was almost after a decade that I was here. The place is exactly the same; Sky theater shows, Nehru museum & Nehru library. I couldn't catch the space show but did manage to visit the library and museum. It was fun.

Entanglements are but magical..

Holding onto the same string we all start, vibrating in sync with the tune of cosmos, a beautiful dance of ecstacy, all naive with joyful he...