Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A plea to doctors

H1N1, or simply swine flu, is the new buzzword in media circles these days. As of now 10 deaths have been reported and total of 864 people have been reported to be infected with the virus. I’m not surprised at all that swine flu has grown to alarming proportions. And in days to come it is feared that it might become a rampant epidemic. Needless to say that we should all be cautious. There were enough indications before the disease claimed so many casualities but the inept government has kept up to its expections by not doing enough.

In midst of all this, there are discussions about how the virus spreads, what are the symptoms, where it could have originated from, should schools be closed around the countries, should doctors be held responsible for the death of Reeda Shaikh in pune and many more.

Blaming health ministry is the obvious first reaction, but will it or rather has it changed anything till now. I really don’t want to point a finger on health ministry here as I have no expectations from the highly incapable and corrupt ministries of govt, be it health or any other. But I felt so furious and frustrated when I heard the comments of Ghulam Nabi Azad that the little girl Reeda from Pune might have infected 80 other people in order to get the treatement. WTF! What exactly is he suggesting ? Should she have stayed at home and done nothing ? Did'nt she deserve an alternate medical opinion ? But... hey, can't blame the politicians here. Afterall, most of the politicians are innately inhumane and with no moral values. Unfortunate but..

For a change, rather than cursing the politicians and the govt. for not being vigilant and blah blah blah, I would like to put up a question to the private medical practitioners. Why don’t we see private doctors stepping forward and organizing camps where they would do a free-checkup of patients ? Would it hurt them so much if their money making machines, also known as clinics are opened for poor patients when there is a fear of epidemic ? Is there no morality left in doctor’s profession ? Probably, very strong words to say but can they be denied ?

There is tremendous pressure on govt hospitals currently. The ratio of patients to doctors is approx1000:1 which is abysmal. If private doctors were to just devote 3-4 hours a week for treating the poor then we’ll have a healthier and happier country.

I would be the happiest person if some doctors could step forward and prove me wrong

1 comment:

Tushar said...

To answer ur question as to why
private docs/hospitals are not coming forward is because Govt so far regulated the testing / admission of patients.. Moreover separate/isolated facility is needed to treat H1N1 patients.. there should not be central air conditioning at the hospital. Unfortunately there are very few facilities like that..

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