Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chew on this !

During my school and college days I often ate junk food, but my stay in Bangalore for three years expanded my junk food horizons. I got introduced to what still remains the top fav on my junk food list. The fried chicken. My roomie forcibly took me to fried chicken treat the very first time. Although a non-vegetarian, I had never tasted fried chicken before and cringed even at thought of tasting it. But, it was then that my sweet relationship with fried chicken started which helped me survive my weekends in Korea for ~3 months. Breakfast, lunch and dinner – all fried chicken !! But make no mistake, I ain’t promoting junk food here.
Junk food is not good for your health. A cliché, I know, but can you resist the temptation. Yes … maybe No. But once you know the ill effects of the fast food you would probably think twice before indulging your senses in oily and greasy stuff.
Swallow this:
Junk food has high salt contentRoughly a single junk meal would provide the body twice or thrice as much salt as needed by the body. High salt content leads to high blood pressure. Also it increases amount of calcium excreted from urine.
Junk food is high on trans fat / partially hydrogenated vegetable oilTrans fat raises bad cholesterol and lowers the good cholesterol, which are linked with cardiovascular disease including heart disease and stroke. Trans fat may also affect learning ability and cognitive capability.
Further, It Slows down your metabolism.
And WORST of all, its addictive.
The whole idea of writing this blog is to educate myself (and hopefully others too) a little more about hazards of junk food. But, I don’t intend to cut down on junk food absolutely. I strongly believe that if we exercise regularly then eating some fried chicken or burgers once a week wont do us any harm. Remember, excess of everything is bad, junk food is no exception. Next time, I’m about to grab a piece of junk I would think of all these things. Let’s see how well it comes along ;)

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