Saturday, March 2, 2024

Entanglements are but magical..

Holding onto the same string we all start, vibrating in sync with the tune of cosmos,

a beautiful dance of ecstacy, all naive with joyful hearts,

Love is the only truth when we're born,

Why then, mere prabhu ram, I asked, strings entangle into themselves, wise men lost amongst millions of knots, an eternal paradox.

Beckoning us to start another day, the clock was ticking, inviting us into a chaos of strings,

like every morning, softly she caressed my forehead, oh, I thought, was it just a dream ?

A streak of gray hair, wisdom in her eyes, an ethereal voice, a sip of warm water, sunshine by the corner, simple, beautiful, my life partner.

Through the thick and thin, you've been by my side,

more than myself,  you've believed I can fly.

Holding your hand, gazing at the stars, millions of knots in the fabric of cosmos, all brilliant, all alive,

all entanglements are but magical, look how they shine. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

.. morri preeti tumhre saath

 I know of a place, 

basking in the morning sunshine, by the edge of a river, flowing, silent still, caressing through tiny pebbles, white, gray, blue, green, 

not too far away, on the other side behind the forest greens, mighty mountains stand tall, holding the river by it's side, like a father to a child.

Amidst, sweet fragrance of flowers, gentle sounds of water stream, distant temple bells are ringing, are these ragas played on a flute ? Is this where Krishna is ? 

Not years, not decades, not a lifetime, to merge with the one it may take many lives, but Keshava is kind, 

maybe flower to a butterfly, or sunshine to the trees, rainbow in clear blue skies and sometimes dew drops to the leaves, 

in your eyes I see, my little Kanha smiling back at me, 

vyartha khojte ho mujhe parth, uske hriday main hain mera vaas, morri preeti tumhre saath.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Nani's house

My dear Amey, you've turned one today, and we celebrate, 

a year full of love, care, affection, 

a year full of smiles, laughter, tears,

a year full of giggles, chuckles, cuddles,

golu, babbu, you are so adorable, so loving, watching you learn and grow is such a joy. 


The chronicles of the nani's house, how minutes hours and days would just fly by, 

like a beautiful sunrise you would arrive, ever so innocently looking at us, a tiny bit puzzled, a tiny bit lost.

Everyone would gather around for "Nani House Got Talent" audition round,

there are dancers, there are singers, there are magicians and clowns,

all to make you happy, it's such a beautiful time,  

and then, our little Kanha, would reward us with his miraculous smile.

Millions of memories to cherish and countless stories to share,

a rainbow peeking from the clouds, with colors of happiness adorned, that's how you would greet us at the break of dawn,

holding your fists tight, you would let me know, chalo, it's time to hop on for a ride,

and with cutest tilt of your head, mami would know, Amey is shy,

a bite on cheeks, a bite on shoulder sometimes, Amey's innocent way to express his likes,

waving to birds, talking to plants, staring at stars, nani teri morni and other cocomelon rhymes,

your generous love in that sweet blink of eyes, it suffice.

Nanu's little bhole baba, let me share a little secret with you, life will be a fairytale, always stay simple and kind.

Maybe too young to understand it all, I know, but don't worry we'll save you a treasure, 

in your mother's heart you'll find, all these beautiful moments, frozen in time.   

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

a loving mother

Every morning she would wake up with sweetest of smiles, 

for today is the day she had been waiting for throughout her life.

Plucked fruits and berries, bitter and sweet, and lots of fragrant flowers to be handpicked,

naïve that she was, wanting to protect and feed, the almighty, supreme.

All the sages would advise, you are turning insane, it's been years, decades, Shabari, 

your wait is futile, today is just like any other day,

she wasn't swayed, happily she would wait.

.. and one beautiful day

all her prayers were answered, all her wait was over, all soaked in tears,  

the all powerful, all pious, all divine, 

there he was, lord rama, cherishing tasted berries like an innocent child.

Sometimes things don't fall into place, sometimes you have to wait,

but that is only a sign, you are gods treasured child. 

Soon, your caring embrace, will be blessed with cuddles and smiles, 

twinkling eyes, tiny little hands and feet, a kiss on the forehead, a kiss on the cheeks, 

I know, I see it everyday, a loving mother, in your heart, waiting for that heartbeat..

Saturday, July 9, 2022

.. and with a bright morning sunrise

 .. and with a bright morning sunrise, flowers blossoming, ever so quietly kissed by sunshine,  

smiling, whispering, giggling, they knew, a star had sailed away from the night sky,

the most innocent, the most beautiful, the most adorable, 

cuddled up like a snowflake with your mum, holding her tight, 

only love is real, that moment in time.

.. a bit observant, a bit shy,

in midst of all the familiar sounds, dadu, nanu, papa were all around,

and that's when you greeted everyone the first time, 

the sweetest hello with those twinkling eyes.

.. comic books, ludo, snake and ladders, business, carrom, and many more, 

you won't believe but your mum was once as tiny as you, we grew up together playing these games,

by popular opinion though I may still have lots of growing up to do ;)

but don't worry nona baby, I'm a fan of test cricket and second inning awaits,

you know, that's when heroes are made..

Friday, November 26, 2021

Have I told you

Have I told you about the fairies by my side, no they didn't come from heavens up above, no they didn't come flying through the skies, everyday I see them in your eyes.

Have I told you how miracles come to life, with your compassionate heart and endearing smile.

Have I told you my sunshine, I try to be someone you can cherish, I try to be someone deserving of all the love and sacrifice, I try.

Sometimes I fail, sometimes I learn .. but all this while, have I told you that I could just hold your hand, sit under the stars and spend a lifetime.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

.. she held my hand

 It shattered with the loudest of sounds, a palpable silence in the commotion all around, 

millions of pieces of broken glass, carrying reflections, of a beautiful ruptured dream,

I must be closer to the sun than I thought, it's melting away, all over the place, am I breaking apart ?

A vanquished spirit lying somewhere amidst this chaos.

Where is the sunshine, am I turning blind ?

Close your eyes dear, look, few light years away, not very far,

there's a silent supernova exploding, unleashing turbulent, destructive forces, 

all these innumerable tiny little stars, aren't just broken pieces my dear,

I see it in your eyes, the glittering stardust. 

She held my hand, we looked up to the skies, each one of those countless twinkling stars, 

shining with brightest of the smiles, perceptions of a blind man, in all lucidity.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

in her heart

Shy, hiding behind big white clouds painted on clear blue skies, like a blushing child, 

orange, yellow and everything in between, the sun greeted me with its warmth. 

In all flowers, in all birds, in all sounds, in all colors,

far at a distance, on the green mountain tops, there was so much life, 

in a moment though, I was in their midst, 

and with no laws of physics, I could time travel here at will. 

The soothing sound of river, flowing gently through stones, pebbles, white, blue and green,

and the small little rainbows in every drop of mist,

not in the fairytales, not in the dreams,

Oh, this had to be most beautiful place I'd ever seen, but for my sunshine, where was she ?

I felt her near, very close to me, closest she has even been,

but why couldn't I see ?

I closed my eyes. I could see.

..but all this while where I'd been, 

in her beautiful heart where she always cares, nurtures and loves me.

Happy birthday my sunshine.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Happy Anniversary

In a few hours, it would be our fourth anniversary together, excited, yes I'm, but when did life become so busy that I didn't find time.
The pages are blank ..
Something silly, stupid maybe at times but words couldn't escape me.
Forgive me dear.
All these blank pages I'll paint in beautiful colors.
Time might be fourth dimension of the universe but how would it escape us dear, for love is everywhere.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Happy Birthday

As another wonderful year comes knocking at your door, as you say goodbye to year gone by,
On this bittersweet journey called life, sometimes things might get rough but enjoy every moment and never forget to smile :)

Faith and belief are often under rated, keep your heart open, 
how but with a smile, God takes care of us all the time.

Entanglements are but magical..

Holding onto the same string we all start, vibrating in sync with the tune of cosmos, a beautiful dance of ecstacy, all naive with joyful he...