Sunday, February 14, 2016


Wandering in the woods, I thought to myself, 
if only love is real shouldn't fairy tales be a part of  our lives ?

Basking in the sun, still, waiting for sunshine,
every morning longing for that caring embrace like an infant clutching his mother's fingers tight,
they see the world in her eyes, they feel the happiness in her smile,
the flowers and leaves whisper to me,        
not the water, not the sun, it’s your love that gives them life.

Magic that love is, it holds all the answers within,
love is in the warmth of sunshine,
love is in that innocent smile,
love is in the words of compassion,
love is everywhere, if only you wander.   

Friday, February 12, 2016

.. after all

Years ahead of her contemporaries, blessed with powers we mortals merely dream of,
After all, too low they build who build beneath the stars.

Struggling to find that elusive half an hour, when its time for morning walk, 
Whilst we barely break into sweat, at the speed of light she jogs,
After all, how on earth can you lose so much weight, you gotta slow down time and go for a cosmic walk.

Planning for that one vacation a midst all the work can be hard,
Having fun is serious matter, for that perfect picture postcard.
But whoever needs an itinerary, when you have teleportation powers.
After all, how on earth can you be in Delhi, Gurgaon, Dalhaousie and Jaipur at the zeroth hour. 

But nestled amongst these superhuman powers is your sincerity and compassion, qualities that makes world a better place, after all.

Happy Birthday Sis .. from Bhabs and Bhai

Entanglements are but magical..

Holding onto the same string we all start, vibrating in sync with the tune of cosmos, a beautiful dance of ecstacy, all naive with joyful he...