Tuesday, September 29, 2015


From heavens up above, descending gracefully the first drop of rain,
holding the reflection of entire earth in its tiny little frame.

As gravity brings them closer, an apprehension it maintains,
but when it touches down,
earth flourishes, sprouts,
absorbs it within her loving embrace,
of all things beautiful and divine, this tiny little drop of rain is giver of life.
As the skies open up and pours down with all its might, every drop of rain paints similar magical sight.

Surreal as it might be, the same magic happens to me,
whenever in your beautiful eyes, I see a reflection of me.

Friday, September 18, 2015

A second without you ..

Enamoured by bright red rose right outside our window,
wearing a charming smile,
swaying in the wind,
it seems to a musical note.

Like a saintly soul dancing with devotion,
sunshine makes it glow.

It was so endearing, yet someone's presence I sought,
I missed holding hands,
I missed that smile,
I missed those eyes,
that make me fall in love every single time.

Lost in sounds of silence,  it seemed like forever had passed,
when, with an epiphany of sorts,  I realized,
just one of many infinitely long seconds without you, it was.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Ring the BEL

Those long tiring days, those early wake up calls, 
cutting, chopping, cooking in the battleground kitchen where time has declared a war.
Always amongst elite group of passengers, catching the bus on last boarding call :)

Back to war front kitchen after hectic office hours, 
where lentils and greens await an assault.
And just when you think the battle is won, late night sitcoms come heavily armed.

After years of hard work the day has finally come, 
when you say goodbye to BEL, your accomplice in this marathon run.

Could I understand how you must feel, millions of things, coming back, all at once,
memories flashing through your mind, your first day, your first boss, your first meal,
your first friend, your first task and all else that seemingly you forgot. 

As you step out for the last time and swipe your card, with many a friends, with many a celebrations, 
you leave your sweat, you leave a piece of your heart.

And here, now, after 38 years, I see the sacrifices, I see the love, I see my mother, I'm proud of.

Entanglements are but magical..

Holding onto the same string we all start, vibrating in sync with the tune of cosmos, a beautiful dance of ecstacy, all naive with joyful he...