Friday, December 25, 2009

Of new year resolutions

New year is just around the corner. Everyone is thinking about how to make the coming year even better. And so, making new year resolutions. Sticking to them however, is another story.

This tradition of making New Year resolutions and the whole exercise of thinking about the things that can make your life better and of those around you is very healthy. And it might not be always about how to make your professional life better, to loose weight, quit smoking, blah blah. Believe you me, there’s a lot of thought that goes in that direction anyways. I mean, in this busy life style how often do we sit back and say to our self that I’ve to become more environmentally responsible, that I‘ve to help the children with no homes, that I’ve to make my little contribution towards making my city a cleaner and safer place, that I’ve to be more responsible citizen, that I’ve to enjoy nature, that I’ve to ….
I KNOW that thoughts turn into actions.

Entanglements are but magical..

Holding onto the same string we all start, vibrating in sync with the tune of cosmos, a beautiful dance of ecstacy, all naive with joyful he...